These are the standard ports cpanel uses for its various services. Please check these ports are open on your firewall if you are having any difficulty connecting to any of the following:
# 21 - FTP
# 25 - SMTP (outgoing mail)
# 80 - HTTP
# 110 - POP3 (incoming mail)
# 143 - IMAP (incoming mail)
# 443 - HTTPS (secure web pages)
# 465 - SMTP TLS/SSL (secure SSL outgoing mail)
# 993 - IMAP SSL (SSL/secure incoming mail)
# 995 - POP3 SSL (SSL/secure incoming mail)
# 2077 - webdisk/webdav
# 2078 - webdisk/webdav
# 2082 - cPanel
# 2083 - cPanel SSL
# 2086 - WHM login (reseller accounts only)
# 2087 - Secure WHM login (reseller accounts only)
# 2095 - Webmail (Horde, roundcube and squirrelmail)
# 2096 - Secure Webmail (Horde, roundcube and squirrelmail)